The death of a wanabee Zen monk

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

But the devil tricked the monk with obstacles

To have him stumble into the material realm and scratch his vows

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

The desire of being someone with a name obscured his heart

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

When he tried to reach an imaginary mountaintop

He tripped into the root of grandiosity

And the devil laughed at the wounded monk

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

The devil said not enough and pointed to a new summit

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

While climbing another illusory hill

The monk searched for the love he couldn’t give to himself

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

Irremediably he identified with the devil’s mockery

Toward all his desperate attempts

He wanted to live a life of contemplation

Tragically driven by his self-destructive nature

He offered his heart to the devil

At last the Zen monk took finally refuge in Emptiness

Where Absolute Silence is golden